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"Battle Royale: Gotcha" (Cinematic trailer) - Director
"Christmas struggles" - Director
Comtes de Barcelona (Title Sequence) - Director
"We got an intruder" (Cinematic trailer) - Director
H&S - Charcoal - Look dev, shading, lighting, rigid body simulations
"Sunset Day" (Short Film) - Director
H&S - Summer Detox - 3D elements
"Izze Fusions" (Commercial) - 3D elements
"Imoflora" (Commercial) - Particle development
Freixenet "Christmas Campaign" (Commercial) - Director
"Second Origin" (Feature) - On-set VFX supervisor
Zero Viral "House of cards" - Director and VFX
"Dunkin coffee" (Commercial) - 3D elements
"Footlocker - The Week of Greatness" (Commercial) - 3D elements
"BBC - Tomorrow's World Promo" (Commercial) - Particle development
"“The XI” Horseshoe Room" - 3D elements
"Dormity" (Commercial) - 3D elements
Costalamel "Get lost to find yourself" - Director of photography, editor
"Instapanthon Fury" (Personal work) - Director
"Warped love" (Personal Work) - Director
Costalamel "Escape from mundane " (Fashion film) - DOP, editor
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